Hey guys! I haven't been posting much lately since I've been so busy with visitors! I'll post about my adventures soon after. But for now... since my Whovian is showing, a review.
The intro was, once again, changed for a new season. I didn't mind the seventh season one too much, and I loved the season five and six how the TARDIS got struck by lightning. Now there's clockwork gears...? I have a hard time adjusting to new intros :P
The story started out as Victorian London with Vastra, Jenny and Strax with a dinosaur rampaging the streets. It doesn't exactly explain why, though. (I think the TARDIS in it's mouth traveled with it?) Vastra comments that it looks like it's chocking on something, and it spits out the TARDIS. They all go to investigate and Strax demands it be opened. The Doctor, now Peter Capaldi, opens it and everyone is shocked. The Doctor then gets confused with everyone and who they are, calling Strax Clara and it's very strange. He's still trying to figure out who he is.
The episode there after was slower than usual, finding out who had killed the dinosaur and the Doctor out in the streets talking to a poor old tramp crazily. Clara and the Doctor go to a restaurant, both thinking it to be them who invited them there with the 'Impossible Girl' ad. It was neither, and they both find out they are not in a restaurant, it's just disguised that way. It is filled with robots that make themselves look human and they have to take a 'deep breath' so they can pass by as them since they don't breath. A bit scarier than Blink. Ok, maybe not. Clara soon gets captured with the Doctor, but they break free with the sonic screwdriver and then the Doctor gets out of the room, accidentally leaving Clara in the room with the leader of the robots that look like humans. She has to hold her breath for a long time, which I feel bad for. I mean, the Doctor sorta abandoned her for the time being! She then gets knocked out and the leader questions her about where the Doctor is. Suddenly remembering how her class treated her, she does the same as a student did "I won't tell you unless you tell me first." or something like that. Good thinking, Clara.
Thankfully the Doctor shows up disguised as one of the robots when she says he'll show up if he's still him. Then Vastra, Jenny and Strax all show up :D Vastra and Jenny all ninja-like and Strax like a potato falling from the ceiling xD Pretty funny. They get overwhelmed by the robots as the Doctor is talking with the leader about the Promised Land or something, which doesn't exist. Stupid robots. Going on for centuries about it, which basically turns out to be a paradise or heaven, something like that. Anyway, to get away from the robots, they all hold their breath for as long as they can. I even held my breath with them. Sort of. Then apparently Jenny and Vastra have a telepathic link as they can speak to each other in their minds. "I can't do it, I can't hold my breath for this long!" Vastra replies something like, "Don't worry, my love. I have much air to give." And she kisses Jenny on screen for air. First, don't get me wrong. I'm good with gays. It was just... a little too much. I would've said the same thing if it was heterosexual. Really. So I'm not against lesbians or anything of that matter. The scene, in my opinion, was just a little unnecessary. Plus I'm not one for romance, so please don't get offended. And after that, the Doctor talks with the leader of the skin robots in their skin ship which they used from the dinosaur, which they killed. Yeah. Bit gruesome. And the Madame de Pompadour ship made a slight cameo for some reason, sort of forgot why. But in the end, the leader falls off the ship and the Doctor saves the day. Yay.
The scene with Clara talking on the phone with Matt however was a tears moment. He knew he was going to regenerate soon, and he asked Clara if he'd look old and gray. He was disappointed a bit, as I was. But he said that it was still him and she shouldn't worry. He'd always be there. Excuse me while I weep in the corner :,( When Clara finally and unfortunately has to hang up, they both share a hug, though he's not quite the hugging type... yet. And they go out to have a snack or two.
There's an extra scene with the leader of the robot humans, who had apparently died, with a black haired woman explaining he's in the Promised Land and that her 'boyfriend' pushed him off the ship rather harshly. She may be the lady from the shop that gave Clara the Doctor's number... but what about River Song?! Though she's sort of dead but not really and gah!
~Now, some random scenes and what I thought about them.
The scene with Vastra and her veil made me as angry as Clara when she ranted. She wasn't the Doctor's girlfriend and never had a romantic relationship with him, unless you count her Victorian self. I liked how Jenny clapped, since I would too. Vastra then proceeds to going back to normal without her veil, since it was a test to see if she was worthy of being a companion, not just for his good looks as she is a Silurian and related her scaly face to other humans as to the Doctor. Pretty good scene, I guess.
The one scene I didn't get, however, was when Vastra was talking to Jenny while she dressed up for her. I was just as confused as Jenny was. A bit pointless that she dressed up while Vastra talked and explained things.
Ok, I'm stopping my review/rant for now! Overall, I'd give it a 6/10 or 7/10, when I usually give them 8/10s or 9/10s. Sigh. I hope this season gets better!! I have faith in Peter Capaldi, I know he can get better!
(UPDATE: I edited this from last night because the first part of the episode I wrote about got deleted!)