October 22, 2014

Illusion Character Designs

Whoa, I haven't posted in like 3 weeks o.o Sorry about that guys! I've been working on my novel art a ton, plus fan art, and doing lots of cross country races. I have a championship tomorrow, by the way, so wish me luck!

So, I thought I'd share some art of Gwen and Lyra, my two MCs, that I actually drew :D On my iPad with the help of an app called Procreate! I highly recommend it to those who want to draw digitally and Photoshop makes no sense to you. And I've improved yay friends:

Lyra actually didn't take me that long, probably half an hour tops tracing over my sketch done on paper onto my iPad.
Gwen took me longer because of school, about two school nights.
Would have been done in a day if school didn't interfere

I loved how they turned out! I'm getting better at anatomy every day :3 Now I have to conquer the body... much more challenging than just a face and neck. (I'm thinking about changing Gwen's eye color to blue, tell me what you think)

If you like my art, please oh please check out my deviantART, http://kyralynmoss.deviantart.com/. I would really appreciate if you commented and such if you have an account. I know my older art from three weeks back is a bit sucky, but it's getting better! And soon I'll be posting my novel chapters on there as well! *is very excited eeee* I'm also going to do commissions, or art where you tell me what you want drawn, and you pay with points or with real money. Pretty coolio.

I'm in a pretty artistic mood right now so that's why I'm drawing a ton and yeah.
...In a summary I'm doing my own art for The Illusion and posting it on deviantART at the moment, as well as YouTube videos sometime soon. That's all peeps!

October 4, 2014

DeviantART and The Illusion

I know I haven't posted in a week, sorry about that guys! I've been getting really addicted to art lately and got a deviantART last Sunday! I'm KyraLynMoss if you want to look me up :3 That's where I'll be posting my art for now on, I think. And if you want to see it but keep forgetting the link, here it is: http://kyralynmoss.deviantart.com/ I'm going to be mostly posting fan art of Legend of Korra and Doctor Who, though I plan on doing a comic with my novel. Or maybe a motion book. That looks cool :)

Anywho, I know I've been ranting about art lately. "You said you would post a sneak peak tomorrow, and that was last week!" Yeah, well, I have been busy. I had my first cross country race last Wednesday, running 1.5 miles. I can't believe it but I got 3rd :D Last year, I got 8th. Big improvement. And then I have a race Monday and Friday of this week. And besides cross country and art, I've had stuff for Spanish, English and Earth Science. Earth Science, like I predicted, is great! I love learning about volcanic rocks like obsidian :) Just my style.

So. Back to my novel. I have definitely not abandoned it. Still doing that 100 words for 100 days challenge and more after. I draw during the day and write during the night for the most part. It's weird that it's almost been a year since I started The Illusion. Huh. It's come a long way, and I'm proud of that. Now to finish it up ;)

You guys deserve to see at least a little bit more, so here it is. Another sneak peak :D

Oblivious to either of them, a humanoid figure stood in the darkened parking lot in front of the restaurant. It observed them silently, as if waiting. A low hiss emitted out of the creature.

"Soon," The figure said. "Soon you will regret all you have done, Dennis Blackwell. No one crosses the Reptilians. Not once, not ever." Its claws scraped the dim lamp post besides it.

"You've been hiding too many secrets from us. That's our job. It is a shame, really, that you won't be able to stay with us any longer." The figure tilted its head slightly towards the lamp post's light, revealing glinting, cat-like eyes.

"Soon." The creature repeated. It shrunk away into the shadows, not letting another stream of light hit it. Nobody noticed the figure standing near the lamp post. The world seemed to move on. Seemed to.

Eeeeeee I love how this turned out! Did a little tweaks here and there as I typed this up from my journal but other than that, nothing! I might even draw the scene if you guys are lucky ;) Keep commenting on here and my deviantART :D It would mean a lot to me!