August 30, 2014

Designing A Logo

So, I thought I'd do a logo of some sort. I tried it on Sumo Paint. Unfortunately they didn't have the Blogger fonts on there, so I made do with what I had.
So, what do you think? I used a similiar picture I used for my wallpaper in the background, and got to the closest possible color for the lettering by looking at the coding and all. And even though Sumo doesn't have the Blogger fonts, I was pretty happy with these.

And hey, I may have a logo when my book gets published. Who knows? That would be pretty darn cool! I always wanted to have something with "All rights reserved" and stuff like that. Anywho, I'm thinking aloud here. What do you peeps think? Is the color hard to see or something of the other? Hope you like it! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I love it! It matches your blog well. I think the colors are just fine. They blend well with the background, but still stand out. The background and fonts you chose are very pretty! I'd say it's a definite keeper.
