September 10, 2014

Toph Beifong Drawing

Yes! It is done! My Toph Beifong drawing is finally here! I finally got the right colors for the skin and eyes! Here it be peeps:

Very excited since this is my first decent person I've drawn, even if it's a cartoon. I used mostly colored pencil, but then used crayon for the skin color and a bit for the eyes. The eyes need to be a bit more blind looking, but that's all right since I plan on getting this cool tool called Pixelmator soon. (Hopefully this month.) It's going to help a lot in editing drawings and such. I'm going to make a more enhanced version that looks more digital pretty soon!

Maybe, if I keep practicing, I can make some illustrations of my characters in my novel :D That. Would. Be. Coolio. For now, keep practicing until it looks like da bomb dot com.

Anywho, that's it! Short blog post, I know. You'll get longer ones soon enough and more drawings! Bye for now fellow peeps, for my bed is calling me... and stick around!


  1. Okay, I'm just envious of you and everyone else. YOU ALL ARE SUCH FREAKIN' AMAZING ARTISTS AND I CAN'T EVE DRAW AN EVENLY PORTIONED HEART. *headdesk*
    This is so amazing. You did her SO well! I think her eyes were very well done, and do portray that she's blind. Illustrations of your characters would be really cool! I look forward to seeing more of your artistry!

    1. This was really time consuming and difficult, but I loved it. All I can say if you really want to draw well, practice a ton, even if they're doodles. And even if art isn't your strongest area, you're a GREAT writer from what I've seen on the RPs. *high fives epically*
      Thanks a ton! It means a lot to me when you comment :-) I would love to start drawing my characters. At the moment, I can't exactly draw from scratch (well most of the time) and need a picture for reference. I see it in my mind, but then the picture starts to fade a bit and ugh. This Pixelmator seems like it will help a lot from its videos, however.
      I shall post more drawings soon! And possibly a short story of Gwen and Lyra :3
