March 12, 2015

Random Animal Sketchdump

Ahhhh here it is I really like how it turned out no matter the giant echidna in the middle:

Awwww I get a warm and fuzzy feeling whenever I look at these guys. I mean, the platypus and that standing otter guy ahh! And that giant echidna haha I just love 'em all x3

I think I'm getting better and better at drawing :D That snake turned out pretty well. And by the way, most of this was done by memory. Except for the snake. I sort of looked at a picture for reference, but then I shut zee book.

So do you guys like it? I hope you peeps do! I worked pretty hard on it, even though they're doodles. Comments are appreciated as always :3

EDIT: I did Bullwinkle's antlers wrong oops they're upside down. I'll go fix that right now...

1 comment:

  1. This. Is. SO. CUTE. *0*

    My favorite has to be the platypus. Look at that little beak and that waffle tail! XD
