August 1, 2014

YouTube And Sketches

To promote my book further, I'm going to do some videos on a YouTube channel! Can't wait to start! (It'll most likely start around September) Basically I'm going to say some highlights of my life like here on my blog, and connect some things to my novel. It's not all worked out yet, but I'm really excited about it! Maybe I'll even have the camera on me :D My user is Kyra Lyn Moss, though I have not uploaded videos yet. Don't worry, they'll come soon enough! There will be sneak peaks and how I make my novel and cover art, all that jazz. Speaking about art, here are some drawings a friend of mine drew of my main character, Gwen Blackwell:

First version, slightly longer neck

Second version, slightly shorter neck

How do you guys like these sketches? I think they're pretty accurate according to my mind. Gwen agrees with the drawings ^-^

Hopefully I can get of Lyra soon as well, that would be neat! Feel free to comment!

1 comment:

  1. Those are incredible drawings!!! (Why can I not draw?!?!?!)
