November 14, 2014

NaNoWriMo And Give The Gift of Art Challenge

So, I'm one of the hundred something million or more participating in NaNoWriMo this year. Though I'm doing the YWP, Young Writers Program, version as to only write a couple thousand words. Mostly because I don't want to stress myself out like last year... and I'm working on the same novel. It's been a year- happy anniversary :D At this point I know where my novel is taking me so that's good. (I promise I'll post more often, I've just been forgetting to) I am also going to participate in this Give The Gift Of Art Challenge where you have to mix in some precious possession into your artwork. Well, I definitely know what I'm going to be doing. Just not going to tell yet ;) I can see it in my head, and with this how-to anatomy book at Barnes & Noble, that should help me draw what I see in my head even more. It's due sometime next month, so I have plenty of time. I don't think it'll take me toooo long to make. I'm not going to be one of those people that puts it off until last minute, anyhow.
Well, I got to school now. I'm going to the Metropolitan Opera for band to see the Barber of Seville! Can't wait :) Fi-ga-rooooooo


  1. Sounds awesome! I look forward to hearing what you're artwork is going to be and look like!

  2. The opera was amazing!! I absolutely loved the characters xD The plot was brilliant too, and the dialogue (it was in Italian but translated into English on the back of the seats in front of us) was hilarious! And the 1800s costumes... ahhhh I want them!! I can't find any pictures on the internet for them since it just opened in the Metropolitan Opera so :| Darn.
    I'm going to be posting some artwork tonight :D Hope you like it!
